
Aug 15, 2011

The Nobel Prize for Education Goes to...High Tech High

In the education world, the equivalent of the 'Nobel Prize' is something called the McGraw Prize.  It is awarded annually to a few living recepients who are deemed to have made the biggest contribution to the field of education.

My friend sent me a link to a youtube video to one of 2011's McGraw winners...Larry Rosenstock.

Picture of High Tech High Hallway
He created a charter school in San Diego called 'High Tech High', and it has exploded in the ten years since it's founding.  Larry Rosenstock describes his model as a liberal arts school in disguise, focusing on personalization, adult world connections, a common intellectual mission, and teacher's as designers. 

Seems interesting.  Very different from KIPP and many TFA models, which in my opinion, don't focus on teacher's as designers, but focus on standardized tests as designers.

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