In her
keynote address to Vanderbilt University, Deborah Ball argues
that there is a dire need for initial and continuing teacher education programs
that change the way we teach teaching.
As a result, she suggests that the profession of teaching will be
elevated and that the quality of teachers will improve. She argues that a model teacher education
program pairs experience teachers with first year teachers, places them in classrooms
together, and provides a constant feedback loop for teaching, evaluating teaching,
re-teaching, and observing.
Additionally, she suggests, much like Harvard Professor Richard Elmore
in School Reform From the Inside Out,
that teachers need to take courses that address the 3 areas that lead to
teacher effectiveness: one, content knowledge; two, general pedagogical
knowledge; and three, subject specific pedagogical knowledge.
of Deborah Hall’s theory would point to research that suggests no difference in
quality between teachers who go through University training programs and those
who go through alternative certification programs, like Teach For America or NYC
Teaching Fellows program (Kane, Rockoff, Staiger, 2007). They argue that traditional 4 year
University programs actually do put students in classrooms for student teaching
and thus fulfill the requirements for Deborah Hall’s proposed teacher training. However, this is a misconception. Although traditional University
programs do put students in classrooms, there is extreme variability in the
quality of experience in student teaching placements. For instance, some student teachers are little more than a
warm body sitting in the back of a class, watching an experienced teacher. There is value in observation, but
teachers learn to do the work by actually doing the work, receiving feedback on
the work from an experienced teacher, and doing the work again. Hence, the student teacher that spends
6 months observing a practitioner, who may or may not be competent, gains
little from the experience.
short, there is a lot educator training programs can learn from other professions
training regiments, as Deborah Ball points out. One suggestion I would make is to have a common body of
knowledge that all educators could share.
As it stands, the curriculum of teacher education programs is tremendously
variable. No one is alike. Teachers would benefit from a teachers-theatre
course, where students watch experienced educators teach a lesson with voice
over, whereby the teacher explains why he/she is saying or doing
something. Such a class would
allow students to see how a teacher thinks in the actual moments of
Ball, Deborah. The Work of Teaching and the Challenge
of Teacher Education. Invited
Address at Vanderbilt University, September, 2008
Kane, T., Rockoff, J.,
& Staiger, D. (2007). Photo Finish: Teacher Certification Doesn’t Guarantee
a Winner. Education Next, 7(1) 61-67.
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